ARC Review: The Good Part by Sophie Cousens

ARC Review: The Good Part by Sophie Cousens


Let’s skip to the good part! That songs comes to my mind right away! This book gave me all the vibes for jumping to the future to where life is everything that you want it to be. 


Lucy is in a point in her life where things are not working out for her. No good men, living situation isn’t the best and she feels undervalued in her career. But one night can change that all! 


Following the journey with Lucy was fun and there were moments that I wanted her to connect to dots more but I still loved the whole process of her realization. 


The ending and her decision was a perfect way to end the book. I did get a little nervous. Now, I don’t want to spoil too much but I definitely recommend that you go buy this book! It’s a must have. 


Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing for the advanced reader copy! As always, my review is my opinion and thoughts.


Pub date: Nov 7th, 2023

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